Friday, November 2, 2012

That's it, i give up.

Maplestory simply refuses to work on my computer anymore, even after i had it formatted the blue screen error still continues.
I'm quitting MS for now, i'm going to send JD my account info so he can do whatever he wants with it.
I'll probably come back someday, and i'll be active on this blog.
It was fun playing with you guys :]
P.S I'm still looking for a way to fix my error, i haven't completely given up.

EDIT: It would be great if you could post your email JD, Thanks :]


  1. I'll miss u Sam, keep on touch in blog :)

  2. Have you tried the steam version of maple?

    1. There are a few reasons why i'm not going to try it.
      1. Running maple from an external source(Steam) won't help the problem.
      2. I HATE STEAM.
      3. I HATE STEAM.
