This Halloween event bring back the chance to make one of the best attack pots in the games for free, Witch's Special Stew, the stats on it? Weapon Attack and Magic Attack +40, Weapon Defense and Magic Defense +100, Speed and Jump +15 for 15 minutes. People where asking me who to make them so, here's the recipe:
For 1 stew you need:
3 Cat Spittle
3 Cursed Frog Egg
6 horny mushroom cap
6 blue mushroom cap
5 ligator skin
2 croco skin
Once you get those, then go to Malady and make in order:
3 Seasoned Frog Egg and Mushrooms (2nd option)
3 Bloody Mushroom Wine (2nd option)
1 Swamp Wrap (1st option)
1 Rough Leather Steak (2nd option)
1 Witch Stew (1st option)
If you want to make more than 1 just multiply the original ingredients for the amount of stews you want, I suggest you to gather all the ingredients first and then just go and make all in one sit.
By the way, making this stuff is a really easy way to gain experience in low level characters, so after gathering all is a really good idea to give all the stuff to any low level character you may want to level up.